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Kyu-Baik HWANG
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Korea, South
Abstract Expressionism
HWANG Kyu-Baik

Kyu-Baik Hwang, painter and printmaker, was born in Busan, South Korea in January 1932. Between 1950 and 1954, he served in the military during the Korean War, and after his service obligation he began to paint, becoming a member of the artist group Shin Jo Kyung and Shin Sang from 1954 to 1967.

By 1968 he was a well-established painter but he decided to seek new challenges in Europe. In Paris, he studied art history at the Ecole du Louvre and printmaking at the celebrated Atelier 17. Working with founder Stanley William Hayter, among the most innovative and influential printmakers of the 20th century, Hwang mastered various intaglio techniques. By the time he moved to New York City in 1970, where he was to reside for thirty years, Hwang was primarily working in color mezzotint, a print medium to which he devoted himself exclusively.

Twice a prize winner at the Ljubljana Print Biennale in the former Yugoslavia, and prize winner at the British International Print Biennale in Bradford, England, Hwang has had numerous solo exhibitions in Japan, South Korea, Yugoslavia, Germany, France, Norway, England and the United States. He was also included in exhibitions of Atelier 17 in the United States, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, and Malaysia. His work is represented in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the British Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum, London; the National Gallery, Oslo; the Uffizi Museum, Italy; the Albertina in Vienna; and the Museé d'Art Moderne, Paris.

In 2000, Hwang returned to Korea where he explored painting once again.

1932 Born January sin Susan, Korea

1950-1954 Service in Korean War

1954-1967 Collaborates with Korean artist group Shin Jo Hyung (later Shin Sang) and exhibits his paintings regulary in Seoul.

1968 Moves to Paris to develop as a painter.
Studies art history at Ecole du Louvre and attends Atelier 17 with Stanley Hayter
Salon d'Art Sacre', Musee d'Art Moderne de a Ville de Paris

1969 La Muestra Internacional de Grabado y Litografia, Sala de Exposiciones de Artes Aplicadas V Oficios Artistico, Barcelona, Spain
Atelier 17, Museum of Modern Art, Haifa, Israel
One Man show: Miami Museum of Modern Art, Florida, USA
Cinq Cents Gravures Contemporaines, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Third International Invitational Print Show, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan, USA
Atelier 17, Sala de Santa Catalina del Ateneo de Madrid, Spain

1970 Moves to New York
Bienal Intennacional del Gravado de Buenos Aires, Club de Ia Estampa de Buenos Aires, Argentina
One man show Bonython Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia
One-man show: Keller Gallery, Goslar; West Germany
Exposicao International de Gravura, Lisbon, Portugal
Atelier l7 de Paris, ianua, Barcelona, Spain
Biennale Internazionale deija Grafica d'Arte, Florence, Italy
One-man show: Le Haut Pave, Paris
British International Print Biennale, Bradford, England
Atelier 17, Museo del Grabado Buenos Aires, Argentina

1971 Twenty-second National Exhibition of Prints, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA
International Open Competitive Exhibiticn, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

1972 Exposicao International de Gravura, Museu de Arte Moderna Sao Paulo, Brasil
Norwegian International Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway
British International Print Biennale, Bradford, England
Biennale Internazionale della Grafica d'Arte Florence, Italy

1973 World Print Competition, The California College of Aris and Crafts, San Francisco Museum of Art
Miami Graphic Biennal, Miami Art Center, Florida, USA
International Open Ccmpetitive Exhibition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Mezzotint in black/white and color, Metzger Krasnow Galleries, Hartsdale, New York

1974 One-man shcw at La Taille Douce Brussels, Belgium
British International Print Biennale, Bradford, England
Biennale Internazionale delia Grafica d'Arte, Florence, ltaiy
Norwegian International Print Biennate, Fredrikstad, Norway

1975 International Biennal of Graphic Art, Ljubijana, Yugoslavia
One-man shcw: Brentano's Gallery, New York
One-man show: Gallery Hugst, Munich, West Germany
One-man show: Galiery Gamlebyen, Fredrikstad, Norway
National Print Exhibition,The Brooklyn Museum, NewYork
One-man show: National Arts Club, New York
One-man show: The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
One-man show: Oxford Gallery, Oxford, England
Biennial International Open Competition, The Print Club, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1976 One-man show: Vika Kunst, Oslo, Norway
International Print Biennale, Krakow, Poiand
Norwegian Internaticnal Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway
Intergrafica 76, Katowice, Poland
British international Print Biennale, Bradford, England

1977 International Biennale Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo
One-man show: Galerie des Maitres Contemporaines, Aix-en-Provence, France
International Biennal of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia

1978 One-man show: Rockford College, Illinois, USA
One-man show: Harris Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
One-man show: LArtisanerie, Dijon, France
International Print Biennale, Krakow, Poland
Graphica Creativa 78, The Museum of Central Finland, Jyvaskyla Finland
Norwegian International Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway
One-man show: Hyundai Gallery, Seoul
Intergrafica 78, Katowice Poland

1979 International Biennal of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Volkschoschule Leverkusen, West Germany

1980 International Print Biennale, Krakow, Poland
British Internationat Print Biennale, Bradford, England
Intergraficao, katowice, Poland

1981 One-man show: Gallery Brauer, Rotenburg, Wesi Germany
One-man show: Harris Gallery, Houston, Texas, USA
One-man show: Howard/Mandville Gallery, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
One-man show: Mladinska knjiga Gallery, Liubijana, Yugoslavia
Internationat Biennal of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia

Magic Realism, Portland (Oregon) Museum, Utah Museum, Phoenix (Arizona) Museum, Boise (Idaho) Museum, USA

1982 International Triennial of Original Colored Graphic Prints, Grenchen Switzerland
One-man show: Sun Gallery, Seoul
British International Print Biennale, Bradford, England

1983 International Mezzotint Competition, Print Ciub, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
International Biennaj of Graphic Art, Ljubijana, Yugoslavia

1984 Mezzotint Masters, Gallery Colonial, El Paso, Texas, USA
British international Print Biennale, Bradford, England
"Art and Sports" (the official fine art portfolio and posters for the 1984 Winter Oiympics in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia),
Spectrum Fine Art Gallery, New York

1985 International Biennal of Graphic Art, Liubijana, Yugoslavia
One-man show: Hyundai Gallery, Seoul

1986 British International Print Biennale, Bradford, England

1987 International Biennal of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
Christie's Contemporary Art London, Tokyo

1988 One-man show at Hyundai Gallery, Seoul
One-man show: Saper Galleries, East Lansing, Michigan, États-Unis (USA) ...

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